Life has changed and by change we mean a drastic change. Life of people are now ruled by gadgets and the pool of benefits it has associated with it. A wave of the technologies has revolutionized the entire tech world. top On demand apps in 2020 are the new thriving unit. Now people need not take the pain to carry out small activities such as cleaning, dusting, calling a taxi or even ordering foods. A single tap at the app and you are done.

Here, we have the 10 best on demand apps 2020 that are currently winning the race of app clone in the digital world.


An ready made on demand app clone designed to track time. A plus for all the companies that seek the performance of their employees. The app is capable of tracing location of employees, the total time spent by an employee in a project, codes, vacations and holidays. The app can also be used to generate reports pertaining to payroll or billing. This would also ensure that employees are compensated for their work.

Click Meeting

Several app development companies came up with an idea to have an app that would allow seamless conferences to be held over the network. A must for all the companies and entrepreneur, they conduct frequent video calls to have discussion and meeting. Click Meeting has been designed keeping in mind the above and provides hassle free connectivity to ensure an excellent webinar be held. Not just it helps to save travel cost and time but also make sure that all meeting can be effectively conducted online


An app that holds great importance to the HR panel and is effective in generating payroll for small and medium size organization. An on demand app that is highly robust and can be effectively used to streamline HR operations. Tools induces in the app can be used to hire employees as well as generate desirable reports. The app can be accessed at any hour of the day and keeps a track of all the activities of the employee.

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An organization strives om the customers it has . A positive feedback from the customers can be highly effective in terms of the reputation of the organization. An app that allows you to conduct surveys and gain feedback from your valuable customer, Shrivra works as really time analytics and is the best for surveying users.

Acquire ™

The perfect on Demand app for organisation that seek tracking of applicants and induce in acquisitioning talents. This app allows to your conduct your hiring process seamlessly and find the best applicant for your company.


Make an app to fulfill your needs of having an excellent e commerce website. The app can quickly be integrated but has different CMS. Entrepreneur having less or no knowledge about coding can use this app to change the design as well as the look and feel of the website easily. A better view calls for better sale of products.

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Web Designer Google

A web design app for all the ad agencies. The app is effective in creating ads which is both customer centric and responsive. The app also enables companies to add components such as images or YouTube video to attract larger user attention. You can also add 3D content to get immediate responses

Pin point on demand

You might be into email campaign for marketing but are not generating desired results. The pinpointe app on demand is the best for you. An excellent feature rich marketing technology that would surely bring success to your marketing campaigns, the app generate instant responses. The servers allow you to make necessary alterations to modify your campaigns and also get results.

PreSynct On demand

One of the best in on demand app by app developers is focused towards people who are into internet security. The app give the opportunity to the individual to report about issues of security pertaining to their electronic gadgets. Images can be sent to the companies as an evidence of proof.

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On Demand Oracle CRM

Directed towards the large companies, the app allows them to leverage their sales providing relevant information concerned with their business partner,strategy for sales and it’s management. History analytics and real time tracking are some of the app features. Reports generated and then used to modify sales techniques to provide optimized results.

Mobile has been ruling the world since long and with the advent of such on demand apps , marketers are striving towards pushing their business to a next level. So build you own app and get started.