In this competitive field of mobile application development where the XDA developers, iOS and Android developers have secured their places in the market. If you want to compete with them then for that you need to be a more extra genius about choosing the best hybrid app framework which will help you to get more response by working with only one cross platform framework for app development.

To develop the best hybrid mobile app, you need to choose your framework admirably in 2020. Because you’re going to use A Hybrid mobile app framework for mobile app development that makes your work straightforward because you need to code once, and that app can work in any iOS, Android and Windows platforms.

Here’s the List of the best Hybrid mobile app frameworks for 2020:


Flutter was found in the year 2018 by Google and it has created so much hype for developing native mobile application for iOS and Android by writing a whole code once. It provides Fast-Mobile app development.

Requirements for developing any application in Flutter:

  • OS: – Windows, Mac, Linux
  • Space: – min 1 GB
  • Tools/ text editor: – Android Studio, Visual Studio
  • Language: Dart programming language


  • Single Codebase
  • Hot Reloading: on the spot Output compare to regular Compiling process then Installation
  • Dart programming language is very easy to learn to compare to JAVA & Kotlin
  • Flutter is going the most usable framework to develop future “Fuchsia OS” making
  • Effective performance compares to Android Studio


  • Small community compare to JAVA and SWIFT
  • Limited SDK or Plugins
  • MAC machine is necessary for testing an IOS App
  • Single File for UI and Code functioning parts

Majorly this framework is specially designed for the business purpose. Flutter makes work easier for any IT company and saves time as well as development costs.

You can use flutter only once you know any other Native App development language because flutter has a small community. If you know any other native app development language then or then it makes it easier to learn.

React Native:

React Native is an open-source hybrid mobile app development framework designed by Facebook in 2015. A lot of big companies are using React Native to create a mobile application. For example, Microsoft for Skype, Facebook for Facebook Messenger, Instagram and Amazon as well for its own applications like shopping app, prime video.

So, in 2020 there is a lot of scope in it. Facebook is trying its best to cover all the API step native platforms and maybe they will going to have more coverage in the nearest future. They are now focusing on the updates in speed. They have recently introduced a new engine named Hurmuz for android speed performance. It has a big competitor like a flutter.


  • Based on Java Script language
  • Less team required because it is using JavaScript so the company can hire web developers as well. So, the same team for
  • Web and Mobile Application development
  • Uses Less space
  • Response time is faster


  • Some Used Cases are not satisfied by React Native so developers need to spend more time designing a perfect Used Case.
  • JavaScript is single-threaded language so Native language is more powerful then React Native
  • Larger Code File
  • Less Customized Modules


Ionic is an Open-Source Cross platform app development platform. It supports Angular, JavaScript, Cordova, HTML, CSS. It has a rich library with front-end working alongside head UI segments that empower an engineer to make first-rate PWAs. It likewise empowers engineers to make fabulous structures and graphical portrayals in the applications. UI structure viewpoints like picture plan and arrangement, typography, creative topics, and so forth are things that the Ionic system will enable an engineer to accomplish.


  • It uses many front-ended languages like HTML, CSS, JS, Angular development.
  • Easy maintenance.
  • Easy to understand
  • Includes some Native App functionalities


  • Not Supporting Hot Loading
  • Need to use external Plugins
  • Only applicable for light-weighted application development

Framework 7:

Framework 7 is an opensource mobile app development framework with the feel and look like any other Native Apps. It supports HTML programming language. It allows the user to deploy PWA as well. Framework 7 has the best supportive UI libraries to pre-cause the delays in touch plus its syntax are as simple as the jQuery. Framework 7 uses router API to load the pages dynamically from the templets. It can allow working to React and Angular.


  • Allows developers to use React and Angular with simple HTML, CSS, JS like user-friendly programming.
  • Faster application development
  • Easy to create any hybrid mobile applications
  • Animation supports


  • The platform supports is bigger confusion
  • Documentation is average
  • Without knowledge of HTML5, this is very hard to use.


PhoneGap is an open source hybrid app development framework created by Adobe. It helps you to create mobile applications that have WebView inside the Native Wrapper. This WebView is similar to browser view without the back button, home button and the URL bar. PhoneGap supports HTML, CSS, JS into a native app.

As a native app PhoneGap gives us tools to access device features that a web browser does not have access to like battery status, contact database, GPS, etc. PhoneGap has an amazing feature like Build which can compile the apps without installing any SDK. Applications that were built using PhoneGap have the capacity to tackle more traffic with limited functions. It provides the best efficient applications.


  • Understandable
  • Flexible
  • Hot Loading supported
  • It supports built-in mobile features like Cameras, GPS, etc.


  • Slower Performance
  • Less Built-in UI widgets
  • Providing less functionality
  • Not suitable for bigger app developments


According to us Flutter and React native both are the latest hybrid mobile app development frameworks. Flutter is the best choice for top Mobile application developers. React Native is a good choice for web application developers and it was in the trends for 2019. Flutter is the trending for the best hybrid app frameworks 2020.